# our services
# our delivery services
# research, consulting and development
the delivery-me team has a large and long year experience in research and development of autonomous research and delivery vehicles
- Sensor evaluation and testing
- Data collection and synthetic creation
- Data cleaning and testing
- AI Applications and Algorithmens
- Model creation and testing
- Simulation with Carla and LGSVL together with Autoware
- F1tenth autonomous Racing Course
- IT-Security, Security by Design
- Functional Safety ISO 26262
- Cyber Security ISO 21434
- Data and Information Security
- Security by Design
# why it makes sense to use autonomous delivery services
delivery-me will start it's autonomous services in german cities and campuses beginning of 2020.
# market
Nuro, Kiwi, Yandex, Starship, Rev, Tinymile, Alibaba and others are only a couple of players in the existing delivery robotic market.
They deliver goods and food from small to medium size with autonomous or remotely driven delivery robots.
Right now, this market is compared to the real autonomous car or truck market quite small, but it will increase from a market volume
of 16 Mrd. € in 2020 to 40 Mrd. € in 2024.
These figures and our experience with developing research and delivery robots, gives us the confidence, that this will be a very
promising market now and also in post corona times.
delivery-me will start it's autonomous services in german cities and campuses beginning of 2020.